Happy new year!
Hope you are well and had a very merry Christmas and a memorable crossing over. May the LORD be favorable to you in 2012.
Recently, I came across a wonderful set of declarations from a book I was reading, Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of A Nation by Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets, that I think would be appropriate for this year, 2012.It is time for the Bride of Christ to arise!
This blog, which is adapted from the same, will go on to define what a decree, declaration and proclamation mean.These are key tools in taking dominion in the coming year.Then we will conclude with a shout of the eight decrees that will unlock grace for what God wants to do in us and through us in this governmental year of 2012.
Are you ready?
I wish you all Gods best in the coming year.
At the breaking of each day of a new season, we need to renew our commitment to the one who made us and has given us life.
Psalms 35:5-6 says:
“Commit you way to the LORD. Trust Him to help you do it, and he will. Your innocence will be clear to everyone. He will vindicate you as the noonday sun.” (TLB)
The word new is defined as “different from one of the same which existed before; or even made fresh.”
God is causing a new dawn to come our way, and it is our responsibility to decree, declare and proclaim so in our domain and spheres of influence.\
All through the word of God, you will find decrees, declarations and proclamations. Elijah declared that the heavens would be shut up. The priests proclaimed what God was ordaining. Cyrus the Persian King sent out a decree that rebuilt Jerusalem, and restored to the Jews their city after their captivity on Babylon, setting the stage for the Messiah; while Caesar Agustus, the Roman Emperor, centuries later, issued a proclamation of a census throughout the known world, which positioned Mary and Joseph in the place where prophecy could be fulfilled through the birth of Jesus- Bethlehem of Judah.
In the new testament dispensation, God has chosen us as the Church as a necessary link to bring His will on earth. He wants us to commune with Him, listen carefully to His voice, gain prophetic revelation and decree that revelation into the earth. This will unlock miracles and release His blessings, not only over our lives, but also upon the nations. Out of our mouths will proceed blessings. (James 3.) That’s why we need to watch what we say, now more than ever. We should only allow fresh water to flow from our fountains.
Once we hear God, we can intercede, but we can also prophesy. Prophesying is declaring His mind and His heart. It is time to take the Word of God and boldly decree, declare and proclaim it into our atmosphere.
As we speak as part of the Body of Christ, He forms his will on the earth. We should always be willing to say, “Yes and Amen” to His promises. When we can receive prophetic revelation, we need to decree that prophetic revelation.
Here are some examples of how decrees are used in scripture:
Psalms 2:7a
“I will declare a decree, the LORD has said to me…”
Job 22:27-30 (Amp)
You will make a prayer to Him, and He will hear you, and you will pay your vows. You shall decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the Light [of God’s favour] will shine upon your ways. When they make [you] low, you will say, [There is] a lifting up; and the humble person He lifts up and saves. He will deliver the one [for whom you intercede] who is not innocent; yes, he will be delivered through the cleanliness of your hands
Job 28:27
Then He saw wisdom and declared it; He prepared it, indeed, He searched it out.
So what is a decree, a declaration or proclamation?
A decree is an official order, edict or decision. Decree can also mean to order, decide, or officially appoint a group or a person to accomplish something. A decree is linked to setting apart or ordaining something or someone.
A declaration is an announcement, a formal statement, or proclamation. This statement sometimes is what a plaintiff releases in his complaint, which results in a course action.
A proclamation brings something into an official realm. A proclamation can ban, outlaw or restrict. This is linked with the process of binding and loosing.
Once we hear the word of the LORD decreed, declared and proclaimed, God begins to establish his word in the earth realm. He waits for us to come into agreement with him and speak forth His word. This causes God’s people to press in for a full manifestation of what he is longing to accomplish in your midst.
The following are eight new issues to look for in your life at this time:
1. New Relationships: May your relationship with the LORD be new and fresh, and may He supernaturally connect you horizontally with others who will cause you to come into a greater level of success.
2. New Acts: May the LORD divinely intervene in your life with signs, wonders and miracles.
3. New Identity: May His influence flow through your personality, may your soul be restored.
4. New Weapons for the War Ahead: The trumpet is sounding a new sound. Listen carefully. May you receive everything you need to defeat your enemies.
5. A New Garment of Favour to go with the Identity: May you radiate with favour and have entry way into new opportunities
6. A New Sound: May you hear the sound of victory and shout this sound from the rooftops.
7. A new Anointing: May you be anointed I a way that every yoke is broken.
8. A New Level of Authority: May you receive the ability to stand and take in dominion in the sphere of authority that you have been granted by God.
These are the things that we all should be looking for the LORD to reveal to us in a kiros time in the earth.
This is your year in God, go forth in Jesus name!
God bless you!