Hope you are well. I bless God
for all the gift that each of you is on the earth.
Allow me to share with you from
the book Life without Strife by Joyce
Mayer. Joyce is no nonsense or showmanship Christian Teacher of Scripture, whose
ministry focus is to teach the Church and the world the character of Christ.
In this book, she teaches about
strife and why we should avoid it. This, coupled with her other release, Reduce Me to Love, were instrumental in building
my foundation as a Christian in terms of
building relationships and believe it or not, engaging in spiritual warfare (Do
you know apart from the Blood and the Name
of Jesus, walking in love and unity are weapons that the enemy cannot overcome?
Love is a weapon! In battles were I prayed and prayed and nothing seemed to
change, the Holy Spirit always led me to stop “many words” and demonstrate His love and do
that continuously no matter the response. And do you know what, God always shed
abroad his love to love my fellow man. (Oh, I always won, but that was just a
by the way, compared to the closer walk I had with my Master. I guess we have a
lot more in common with Him when we love.)
There is too much hate and strife
in the world, unfortunately in Church circles too. It’s time we demonstrate
more love, expecting nothing in return.
Shalom, peace and life to you.
Exposing Strife:
The spirit of strife has an
assignment from hell to bring destruction everywhere it goes. We cannot see
this spirit, but we can certainly learn to recognize the symptoms of its
presence. I believe strife is a bickering, arguing, heated disagreement or an
angry undercurrent. The dictionary defines strife as, “fighting; heated, often
violent conflict; bitter dissension; a struggle between rivals; or contention.”
Many a ministry and life have been wrecked because of strife than any other
The word of God warns in James 3:16 (Amp) :
For whenever there is jealousy (envy) and contention (rivalry and
selfish ambition) there will be confusion (unrest, disharmony, rebellion) and
every vile practice.
A home atmosphere filled with an
angry undercurrent instead of peace is an open door of rebellion for children….The
book of Proverbs goes on to say that it is better to live at the corner of a
rooftop, than in a wide house with a contentious woman.
Strife is at the root of so many modern day diseases, whether they be stress related, or spiritually rooted.
In Joyce Mayer’s ministry, they
discuss a lot of things, but they recognize when their discussions are being
affected by strife. When somebody comes to work for them, Joyce and Dave tell them during
their training that they will not put up with strife. They encourage them to
beware of judgment and criticism which will open the door for strife. They advise
them to take their opinions to the LORD- not to other employees. They train
them to walk in love with other employees and to be abundant in mercy and quick
to overlook an offence.
One must not forget that strife
is a spirit sent from hell to bring destruction into every area of your life, as
has been seen in a previous Scripture. If you desire to walk in victory, you
must learn to recognize it and begin to confront it in prayer and refuse to
fuel it.
What Doors open for Strife?
There are three doors which swing
open to allow the entrance of the spirit of strife:
The doors of our lips: Wrong
words spoken at the wrong time can certainly start strife. The only way to stop
a fire is to stop fueling it. So, over the years, I have learnt to shut my
mouth. James 3:6.
Our pride: By pride and
insolence comes only contention, but with the well advised is skillful and
godly wisdom. (Prov 13:10) Judgment criticism, gossip and tale bearing allow
strife to enter, but all these are born out of pride. Pride says, “You are defective, but I am not. “Pride
demands that I have my say- I must have the last word. Notice that pride will
even follow us to the prayer closet, we may be praying for others, yet we are operating
out of a critical and judgmental spirit, like the Pharisees (Luke 18:10-44).Pray
in peace and for peace.
Our debate: History
teaches us that the Pharisees spent a lot of time debating the Scripture. As
long as we think we know everything,
we don’t know anything. When we
believe we have a lot to learn and we stop passing opinions, it is only then
that we come to a place where knowledge can begin. It’s no wonder Paul the
Apostle, a one-time “Pharisee of Pharisees”, after his conversion, chose “to
make a display of the knowledge of nothing, and be conscious of nothing but
Christ and Him crucified” when he went to preach. It is time to preach the
Gospel and let the Holy Spirit do the convicting and convincing.
No matter how strong our own opinions
may be, we must be willing to let give oters a hearing with the option, “I
am right, but I may be wrong.” Such an attitude gives an allowance for
correction and reconciliation in the case one is in error.You'd rather lose the arguement and win a friend than vice versa... (Trust me, I know.)
There is no spiritual power
without unity and harmony. Great power was manifested when the Church walked in
unity. The Book of Acts in Scriptures records that “Day after day they
regularly assembled in the temple with one purpose.” (Acts 2:46). The Early Church
had the same vision, the same goal; they were all pressing toward the same
mark. They prayed as one, “And when they heard
it, they lifted up their voices together with one mind to God.” (Acts 4:24).
They not only prayed in
agreement, they lived in harmony (Acts 2:44) cared for one another (Acts 2:46)
cared for each other’s needs (Acts 4:34) and lived a life of faith (Acts 4:31).
Their love was real, the love fo God for each other. The Church was a force
when it operated in unity, but its power lessened as it split. It is for this
reason that we may hunger for peace, and even be peace makers- nothing pleases
the LORD more. This one thing was the main theme of Christ’s apostolic prayer
recorded in John 17. The glory of the latter house shall be greater than that
of the former…Amen.
Paying the Price for Peace:
Only love holds people together
in unity and harmony- love, a strong decision to do whatever is necessary to
stay in peace.
Paul urged the people to live in
Fill up and complete my joy by living in harmony and being of the same
mind and one in purpose, having the same love, being in full accord and of
harmonious mind and intention. (Phil 2:2.)
Just imagine how glorious, joy-filled lives we could have and the power available for those who pay te price
to live as Jesus instructed.
What do I mean by “pay the price”?
Look at the next verse:
Do nothing from factional motives (trough contentiousness, strife,
selfishness; or for unworthy ends.) or prompted by conceited and empty
arrogance. Instead, in a true spirit of humility (lowliness of mind) let each
regard the others better and superior to himself (thinking more highly of one
another than you of of yourselves.) (Phil 2:3)
This cannot happen without being
willing to be obedient to the Holy Spirit in every situation where strife
presents itself. The Holy Spirit leads us into peace- not turmoil. God’s will
is that they will walk in power, but there is no true spiritual power without
Paul also urges the Ephesians to
live in harmony:
Living as becomes of you, with complete loneliness of mind (humility)
and meekness (unselfishness, gentleness, mildness) with patience, bearing with
one another and making allowances because you love one another. Be eager and
strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness of (and produced by)
the spirit in the binding power of peace (Ephesians 4:203, Amp)
In order to live in harmony, we
have to make allowances for one another and overlook the mistakes and faults of
others. The only way to do so is to walk in love. Love is self-seeking, but it
has the interest of others in mind.
Strife is as a result of selfishness.
It results from seeking to please ourselves—at any cost. To live in harmony, we
must be willing to forgive quickly and frequently—that’s part of the price we
have to pay to secure the boarders of our inheritance in Christ, apart from
which, we will only partially know our victory in Christ. There is no need to
be content with little waters to make our feet wet, yet there are rivers that
no man can pass through available for us all, if we would only walk as Jesus
walked. He demonstrated a victorious life for us to emulate.
It’s up to us; it’s up to you and
me to walk in peace and holiness. Then the
full effect of our precious Salvation will be manifest.
Please note that strife not only
ruins peoples health relationships and ministries, it stops the flow of the
true prophetic unction (what operates in strife is not the real thing- check it
out), spiritual increase, prosperity, the miraculous and all that God has for
you and me. How and why? The Holy Spirit only operates where Jesus Christ, the
Prince of Peace, reigns. Peace His primary atmosphere of operation—have you
noticed that wherever Christ appeared after resurrection, he first spoke peace?
When he initially sent his disciples, he commanded them to speak peace to the
house where they were to reside. Consider also the Hebrew greeting Shalom...Paul
completes it by stating that the Kingdom of God-the system in which God is
enthroned- is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. When w walk in
peace, then and only then will we will see God’s Presence and Power manifest.
For Christ’s sake, I have made up
my mind, and purposed to not only walk in peace with God, myself and my fellow
man, but also to be a peace maker. May His Kingdom come, and His will be done
on earth as it is done in heaven.