Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Seven Mountains of Influence


Welcome to the month of Abib, the beginning of beginnings...He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. Amen.

The Youth, the Marketplace and the Seven Mountains

In African Literature, a story is told of the Hare and the Hyena.One day,they decided that they wanted to be free and do their thing.So, they both agreed to kill their mothers.The hyena ate his, but the Hare went and hid his and fed her night and day.After a long time, there came a plague which no one knew how to deal with.If only they had someone of another generation to consult...

So, I have listened and listened to the message on the "Seven Mountains" for about six years,on how the Kingdoms of this world are to become the Kingdoms of our LORD and of His Christ.

The first time I heard it through a Marketplace Apostle, Lance Wallnau, on TBN's This is Your Day Show, which was being hosted by Dr. Mark Chirona. I was blown away!

Then Apostle Allan Kiuna of JCC did a series on the same in 2007, and more recently, Pastor Julian Kyula, Senior Pastor at the Purpose Centre,Nairobi, and Group CEO of Mobile Decisioning Holdings Ltd. He is a Joshua generation leader, a marketplace Apostle in his own right, with phenomena to attest to it.

But this message didn't start with them, it started some time ago, with this Man of God and others of his time.

Loren Cunningham is form another generation, a generation of "Moses" that received the blueprint on the mountain.That generation, of Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and the like, walked with God, before one could google a sermon, and continually sought His face to know his heart. If we could only listen to his generation, we'd be better placed to fight in today's battlefields!

Here is an excerpt of a transcript of his interview I found online:

Shalom, and have a happy Passover!

Transcript of Interview of Loren Cunningham on Original 7 Mountains Vision
By Loren Cunningham

(November 19, 2007)

It was August, 1975.

My family and I were up in a little cabin in Colorado. And the Lord had given me that day a list of things I had never thought about before. He said "This is the way to reach America and nations for God.And {He said}, "You have to see them like classrooms or like places that were already there, and go into them with those who are already working in those areas." And I call them "mind-molders” or "spheres”. I got the word "spheres” from II Corinthians 10 where Paul speaks in the New American Standard about the "spheres” he had been called into. And with these spheres there were seven of them, and I’ll get to those in a moment. But it was a little later that day, the ranger came up, and he said, "There is a phone call for you back at the ranger’s station.” So I went back down, about 7 miles, and took the call. It was a mutual friend who said, "Bill Bright and Vonnette are in Colorado at the same time as you are. Would you and Darlene come over and meet with them? They would love to meet with you.” So we flew over to Boulder on a private plane of a friend of ours.And as we came in and greeted each other, {we were friends for quite a while}, and I was reaching for my yellow paper that I had written on the day before.And he said, "Loren, I want to show you what God has shown me!” And it was virtually the same list that God had given me the day before. Three weeks later, my wife Darlene had seen Dr. Francis Shaffer on TV and he had the same list! And so I realized that this was for the body of Christ.

I gave it for the first time in Hamburg, Germany at the big cathedral there to a group of hundreds of young people that had gathered at that time. And I said, "These are the areas that you can go into as missionaries.Here they are: First, it’s the institution set up by God first, the family. After the family was church, or the people of God. The third was the area of school, or education. The fourth was media, public communication, in all forms, printed and electronic. The fifth was what I call "celebration”, the arts, entertainment, and sports, where you celebrate within a culture. The sixth would be the whole area of the economy, which starts with innovations in science and technology, productivity, sales, and service. The whole area we often call it business but we leave out sometimes the scientific part, which actually raises the wealth of the world. Anything new, like making sand into chips for a microchip, that increases wealth in the world. And then of course prediction sales and service helps to spread the wealth. And so the last was the area of government.

Now government, the Bible shows in Isaiah 33 verse 22 that there are three branches of government, so it’s all of the three branches: judicial, legislative, and executive. And then there are subgroups under all of those seven groups. And there are literally thousands upon thousands of sub-groups. But those seven can be considered like Caleb: "Give me this mountain,” and they can be a "mountain” to achieve for God. Or they can be a classroom that you’re going to disciple a nation in.Because Jesus said, "Go and disciple all nations.” And it also can affect us because in those areas we can be changed, transformed by the Holy Spirit to be effective missionaries into the area that God has called us into, and we will see it as not just a job to get money to stay alive, but "as the Father sent Me, so send I you,” Jesus said.

Therefore, we can be missionaries, where the word "missionary” means "one sent”, and one sent of Jesus, if you’re a lawyer in a legal office, you are sent of God. You’re sent to be his missionary, or if you’re in Hollywood, or you’re working as a dentist, or you’re working as a doctor, everything you can do for the glory of God. You may be in the area of food services. The Bible says in Zach 14:20 that even the cooking pots will be called "holy” to the Lord. That’s food services. Or transportation. Everything from a bus driver to an airplane pilot or to a car dealer or whatever it is, it says even the veils of horses will be called holy to the Lord.

So we make whatever we do, if we do it as unto the Lord, a sanctified, or a holy work, it is Holy unto the Lord. It’s not just the pulpit on Sunday, that’s one of the spheres.It’s also all the other spheres together, and that’s how we achieve advancing the kingdom of God.

Q: How can this and the next generation conquer the seven spheres? What can this generation do?

For this generation presently, it’s one of the most exciting generations. They’re about 26 and below. Some call them the "media” generation, or the "millennial” generation, or they call them "y” generation, but whatever, they are the most exciting group.

One, they are more concerned about the poor and needy than any nation that we’ve seen in a long time in the generations. They’re also global in their thinking, and they don’t think of just their own nation. And because of this, and their connectivity because of the media through IT, through the various forms of the Internet and so on, they are really connected around the world. Now when they are sparked by God, and see that God has the answers through them, to change the nations, and find out, "hey, we can do it in the category God’s already given us a gifting and a calling to”, so it call comes back to their gifts and callings. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance. And so, if they’re called into business, or called into education or called into missions and the church or whatever the category is, they can see God coming in and make a change, because we don’t have to use old paradigms, we can use the new. And this generation is going to find them, because the greatest form of communication is on us, through the Internet.

There’s never been a time like this.

The first communication was multiplied when we discovered the alphabet. The second was when we discovered the printing press, the Guttenberg press and printed the Bible, and that spread it. And the next time was the electronic when we started using telephones and radio, and then finally, the movie, to put images, and then putting it all together in television, and then together through the Internet. There’s no limit now through the internet.Billions can be communicated with.

So, through that communication form, we can challenge people that are really wanting to seek God, to go into their category, and be a missionary for the glory of God.To give one-hundred percent to their mountain of achievement--the mountain they’re claming for God, and their sphere that they’re going to fill with the glory of God, with the word of God, with the testimony of their life, allowing their life to shine, because Jesus said, "You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine that they may see your good works, and then glorify your father in heaven.” How can we shine? He’s the light of the world, Jesus is! Well, He’s in us, and through us, He can shine into every one of the spheres onto every mountain that needs to be climbed and brought into the kingdom of God. So we have the challenge for this generation that just fits perfectly and I think it’s like dry kindling ready to be set afire, and it’s going be spread about like a wildfire in a hurry and across the nations and across the internet in every form, texting and you name it, blogging and on YouTube and a lot of other tubes that are coming out, like God-tube, and there’s Yahweh, and there’s others that are coming out to give their testimony of what God is doing and then through that, beginning to effect their sphere of life.


There is a generation arising, a generation of Joshuas who have been up the mountain with Moses, a generation that will take back the mountains of influence for God:

"And saviors shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD'S."

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