Friday, October 7, 2011

Rick Joyner: "The Great Tsunami"


Shana Tova!

Hope all is well with you and your household, even in the times of these economic birth pangs. Just like the days before the Exodus from Egypt, we are in the beginnings of something great.Let not the situation trouble you. “Tell the righteous it shall be well with them…” (Isaiah 3:10).Child of God, cast not away your confidence in the LORD, for it has a great reward.(Hebrews 10)

Well, “Tsunami” is not a word you hear every day, unless you live in Japan. Believe it or not, I have come across this same word almost every day for the past one week in my readings. In all cases, it was dealing, not with the natural tsunami that resulted in thee earthquakes in Sumatra, Indonesia in 2004 or Japan, 2011, but a coming spiritual tsunami. Joseph told Pharaoh, that if a dream/insight recurs then it is about to take place shortly.

According to Johnny Enlow, author of the 2007 released book, The Seven Mountain Prophecy:

“Just as the Asian Tsunami of 2004 suddenly raised the sea level and changed the landscape of everything in its path, so is a coming spiritual tsunami going to suddenly transform the world as we know it. But the outcome of the tsunami will be anything but disastrous. It will bring Gods rule and reign to bear in places that have been dominated and devastated by evil powers of darkness.”

The following is a prophetic posting by Rick Joyner, a Man of God, a prolific writer, whose word is sure and who has a proven walk with God. (The first book of his I read was Final Quest, an allegorical piece describing the battle between the Kingdom of Light and the Dominion of Darkness -- that was a decade ago.)The following word was posted online on September 29th, which happened to be the first day of the Hebrew Civil Year (Yeah, that is code for “its very important”). I went through it jana after I saw another repost and was moved to share.

Before all else, I believe in the supremacy of the Scriptures. It is the “Constitution” of the Kingdom of God , against that standard that we should weigh every other thing, without exception.

Child of God, I believe it is important for you to read this word, and then you can decide. One of my life’s purpose is “to write the vision, make it plain upon tablets, that he may run who reads…”

I have done my part, it’s now your turn.

May you be found good for the coming year!

George Stanley

By Rick Joyner
Sep 29, 2011
"The Great Tsunami"

In 1987 I had a two-and-a-half-day prophetic experience in which I was shown a panorama of coming events that I wrote about in my book titled, The Harvest. Most of what I saw coming has now taken place, but the biggest event of all, the harvest that was at the end of the age, has not. It is now approaching.

Jesus said, "The harvest is the end of the age" (see Matthew 13:39). This will be the greatest ingathering of new Believers in history, greater than all the previous ones combined. In my vision, this came in two great waves. The first wave was the largest up until this time, but it was only the ingathering of those who were called to be the laborers in the coming even much greater one.

This first wave began shortly after I was given this vision and lasted for almost twenty years. During that time more people came to Christ around the world than had come to Him in all of history up until that time. Some estimates were that an average of almost four hundred thousand people a day were coming to Christ during its peak. There were countries where people were being born again faster than they were being born. Hundreds of millions came to Christ in Africa, South and Central America, and Asia.

Though this wave hardly seemed to touch North America and Europe, they provided many of the evangelists and workers for the other great revivals around the world, and their time is coming. I then saw a period of relative calm before the greatest of all moves of God began. We are near the end of that time and are about to be hit by a wave of revival like the earth has never seen before.

The Magnitude of the Harvest:

When a tsunami is traveling across the oceans, it is barely a discernible ripple in the water, but when it approaches land, it begins to rise fast, sometimes to a height of several hundred feet. In minutes, a calm sea can rise up and sweep away everything in its path. Even though it may seem that we are in a spiritual calm now, a spiritual tsunami is coming, and we must prepare for it.

The biggest problem virtually every church will be facing is how to handle explosive growth. In the vision, I saw small churches of less than a hundred people adding a thousand new members a week at times. Of course, this happened on the Day of Pentecost, and then there were other days in which thousands came to Christ in a day. Even with a dozen apostles personally trained by the Lord, there was stress caused by this. Pressure points gave birth to new ministries such as the deacon. The infrastructure of church life that this produced is still the model that works, and we need to return to its effective simplicity to handle what is coming.

I saw churches that grew so large that they started renting football and soccer stadiums in which to hold their services. At times, hundreds of thousands would gather in parks and huge outdoor meetings just to hear Bible teachers to pray and to worship. Not only were whole cities coming to Christ, but also entire nations were coming so that the state itself became like a large church.

A few years ago I decided to watch the news for several hours a day for a week to determine what percentage of stories could be considered good news. During that time I did not see one good news story. They were all about problems, crises, disasters, and suffering. This was during the time of some of our greatest economic prosperity. Now it's worse. However, change is coming. When this next wave hits, the news around the world is going to be dominated by good news.

We will see events like hundreds of thousands of people gathering spontaneously for prayer and worship, becoming the biggest news stories of the day. News teams will be following apostolic teams and evangelists like they do politicians and business leaders now. Much more is happening now than most are aware of, or that is making the news, but when the Lord "suddenly comes into His temple," it will be the news, and the whole world will be aware of it.

There will be individual newscasts from secular networks that will cause more to come to Christ than Christian networks have in their entire existence. This is not to negate what has been accomplished by Christian networks but rather to stress the impact that this revival will have. We will go through a period when the news of the great things God is doing will crowd out just about all other news around the world.

Both the Welsh and the Azusa Street Revivals made front-page news around the world repeatedly for nearly two years. That was just a foretaste, a seed being planted for what is to come. The coming move of God will in some ways be a composite of many of the great moves of the past, but in one basic way it will be different—this will not just be a move of God, but it will be God moving.

This is not just semantics, because every true move of God is at least initiated by God, but He will bless many things He will not inhabit. His manifest presence will be so great in what is coming that people will not chase after individual truths, or acts of God, but they will be after the Lord Himself. He will be the conversation, not just what He does. This is a move that will lift up Jesus. When He is lifted up, all will be drawn to Him, not just to doctrines, projects, or missions, but to Him.

Doctrine certainly has its place, and there is a great need for sound Biblical doctrine to be imparted to all new Believers, and for all other Believers to build stronger foundations on His truth. There is a need for projects and missions that are His will, but "the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing," and the Main Thing is Jesus. The true apostolic Gospel was Jesus: "They preached Jesus and the resurrection from the dead." Jesus will again be the Message, and it will be what He is doing that gets the attention.

What is coming is the return to the apostolic Gospel. The Way is a Person. Truth is a Person, and if we don't know that Person as our Life, then we don't really know the Way or the Truth either. He is coming to take His rightful place in His Church. When He does, the Church will be profoundly changed. When Jesus becomes our desire as He should be, the Church will become the ultimate society on the earth that multitudes will be streaming to. There is no greater adventure than the true Christian life, and there is nothing more boring than religion. Religion is about to be displaced by the true Christian life, and the great adventure will supplant institutional religion.

Catch the Wave:
We are coming to the most exciting times in history, but this is also a warning. If we are not prepared for what is coming, we will be victims of it. This coming worldwide revival will also be one of the biggest challenges ever. Moves of God are often referred to as waves in history because a wave is an accurate metaphor. For a surfer, there are few things as thrilling as catching "the big one." However, if you're casually strolling in the surf and the big one catches you by surprise, you will likely eat a lot of sand and drink a lot of salt water. Revivals can do the same thing to churches and ministries that are not prepared for them.

Riding a wave is not possible unless you are positioned right to catch it. To catch a wave, you must discern where it is going to break. Then you must position yourself in the right place. Then you have to begin moving in the right direction when it comes. Though it may seem that everything is quiet right now, we need to be getting prepared for what is coming by getting into position and be ready to move in the right direction as it comes.

The most important thing that we can do to get into the right position is to recover and strengthen our first love—Jesus. We all signed up for Him, not just good teachings, or a better way to live, though we do get those too. There is nothing on earth more contagious than a person who is getting closer to the Lord. Those "who have been with Jesus" are going to start standing out as never before. We only have true spiritual authority to the degree that we are abiding in the King, and the leaders of what is coming will be those who are the closest to the Lord.

What is coming will be far too big for any human leadership or strategy to control. Only the Captain of the hosts can lead this one, and He will. It is not just hearing the words of the Lord as much as it is hearing the Word Himself. The main strategy for what is to come will be to know His voice and to obey Him. He will be giving personal direction to His people. This is why we are told in Acts 2:17-18 that "in the last days" when He pours out His Spirit, the result is dreams, visions, and prophecy upon the old and young, male and female, which obviously includes everyone. This is because we are going to need this kind of guidance for what is to come, and He is going to give it to us as He always has for those who would seek Him.

The coming move of God will be the greatest challenge we've ever faced but also will be the greatest time of our lives. These are the times that even the prophets of old desired to see. The Lord has saved His best wine for last, and many who are reading this will witness the greatest move of God of all time.

It is right to appreciate the honor of living in these times, but it is also right to treat it as the great responsibility that it is. To whom much is given much will be required, and this will be a time when much work must be done. Even so, when we are yoked with the Lord, we will find rest and refreshment in our labors as we are told in Matthew 11:28-30:

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light."

You do not put on a yoke to go to bed but rather to do work. However, there is no greater rest and refreshment for our souls that we could ever find than being yoked with the Lord in His work. There is no job or profession we could ever have in this life more fulfilling than doing what He created us to do before the foundation of the world. This will be life on a level more exciting and fulfilling than most have ever known. Even so, knowing and abiding in the rest of the Lord will be crucial for all during this time. As much work as there will be to do with so many coming to the faith, we must not fall to human striving. Striving is counterproductive in the work in the true work of the Kingdom.

He Is Supernatural
We were created to have fellowship with God Who is Spirit. Because of this, there is a deep yearning for the spiritual, the supernatural, in every human being. Many cover it up, but we can never be truly fulfilled or at peace without this spiritual fellowship with God. As Jesus stated in John 4:23-24:

"But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

The Apostle Paul said that if we are at home in the body, or in the natural, we are absent from the Lord (see II Corinthians 5:6-9). We should be more at home in the spiritual realm than we are the natural because the "new creation" is born of the Spirit. This too is going to become a reality in what is coming. Then extraordinary miracles become common, and even the "greater works," such as speaking to mountains and having them plucked up and moved, will be done to prove that the Word of God is true.

The true Christian life is a supernatural life, and this will be a reality in what is coming. However, that we will be seeing such miracles also means that we will be living in times when we will need those miracles. Everyone will be in either continuous awe and wonder at the great things the Lord is doing, or in continuous terror at what is happening in the world. The Apostle Paul said in Acts 14:22, "Through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God." This is true personally and for the whole world. In every trial there is a door to the Kingdom, and in the ultimate trial of the whole earth, the whole earth will enter the Kingdom.

The good thing is that the tribulation will not last, but the Kingdom will. For those who are staying close to the Lord, they will hardly know that they are passing through tribulations. In a prophetic experience, I was once caught up and found myself standing in front of a radar screen on a warship, with the Lord Himself standing next to me. There was a blip on the screen coming straight at us, so I called for the ship to turn 90 degrees. The ship turned, but the blip on the screen remained right in front and coming closer. I called for the ship to turn again, with the same results. I then braced for the impact, but the blip went away and nothing happened. I then asked the Lord what had happened. He said the blip on the radar screen was the great time of trouble. He said that it was coming and there was no way to avoid it, but if we stayed close to Him, we wouldn't even feel it.

For those who are walking in their purpose, even the great tribulation will be a minor event. There will be far more attention on what Christ is doing than on what the antichrist is doing. As we read in Isaiah 60, at the very time when darkness is covering the earth, and deep darkness the people, the Lord's glory will be rising on His people. Then, as we see in verse three, the nations will come to the glory. The light wins! We do need to know the devil's schemes, but true security comes from knowing what Christ is doing, and uniting with Him in His purposes.

As we read in Daniel 2, at the same time all of the kingdoms of men are collapsing and becoming like dust, the Kingdom of God is growing, and it will keep growing until it fills the earth. Those who are obeying His command to seek first His Kingdom (see Matthew 6:33) will experience never-ending increase. Those who are seeking first the things of this world will experience increasing troubles. Every coming year this distinction will become more pronounced. It is time to put the Kingdom first, above anything else that we are pursuing.

One of the most important things that we can do to be positioned to catch the wave that is coming is to come to know the gifts and ministries of the Spirit that we are called to walk in, and begin to walk in them. The Ephesians 4 mandate of all true New Testament ministry is to equip others to do the work of the ministry, not just do it ourselves. Those who do not obey this mandate will soon disappear from leadership in the church, and those who train and equip their people will be the future leaders of the Body of Christ. These are the ones who are not burying the talents they've been entrusted with but are investing and multiplying them. We cannot accomplish what we must in these times without every part of the Body doing its part.


For the last five years I have been shown many difficulties and hardships that will be coming, and to date, they have proven to be accurate. Not many wanted to hear or believe what we had to say, and I have to admit that it has not been much fun having so many hard words. Even so, all of these trials have doors to the Kingdom that we must now walk through. Those who did hear the warning and prepared accordingly have done very well. The prepared will prosper in any situation. One of the most important preparations we can make for these times is simplicity of life.

Gaining or losing natural resources is not nearly as important in these times as being in the right place, equipped for our purpose. To lose everything we own is not nearly as important compared to missing the greatest of all spiritual opportunities that is coming. The most valuable thing we can accomplish in this life is to hear those greatest of words on the Judgment Day: "Well done good and faithful servant" (see Matthew 25:23). There is not a human being who would not gladly trade all that they accomplished to hear those words on that day. This is also what we must live for now. Those who do will be the happiest of all people, and that joy will not go away forever.

Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Enemies of Your Destiny

Hi People,

Hope you are well, as I am.

When God is doing something,one of my life's purpose is to be there and "write the vision, and make it plain on tablets..." I believe that God is doing something new in our land: He is begining ton restore the hearts of the Fathers to the sons and the hearts of the sons to the fathers...

So, last week I had the privilege of attending a men's mentorship forum in Nairobi, hosted by Godly Families.

I would do a great injustice to simply say that it was awesome, I just have to share wit you some of the bread, oil and wine we got.

The speaker, Rev Julian Kyula of the Purpose Center Church, and C.E.O, Mobile Decisioning Holdings Ltd, spoke to the hearts of the men who were present on the topic Rediscovering the Original Identity of Man.

Well,I share with you some of the action points of his message:

Enjoy and more so, learn and change:



Enemies of Destiny:

Here are certain enemies of destiny you must learn to stand up against and contend with:

1. Lack of hunger:
Men don’t seem to be hungry enough to find and seek destiny and to take what is ours. If we did we would own banks, we would have bigger stores, and what you are seeing in Turkana would not be happening—nobody would be going hungry.

Your assignment is sure. I speak to the men. Women cannot start it. It is out of order for you to leave your house without blessing your family. Speak into the future of your children, claim their universities, and claim their empires even as they are young. Today, every man will lay hands on his wife, to bless her, to decree and declare goodness. Some of the madness that is happening in many homes is because men aren’t fulfilling this role.

There is a lack of hunger for the family to stand. You should be decreeing that the curse of divorce is broken in your family. You will get what you say. Do not think that it will happen if you don’t decree, the atmosphere is waiting for you to speak.
If you are hungry enough God is able to help you.

2. Unwillingness to Sacrifice:

For the sake of illustration, let the two of you come forward. Now, person A and B are both in the worship team. Person A, to say the truth, is an artist seeking a platform; he is wondering why God is not giving him the exposure he thinks he deserves so that he can flourish. Person B just loves God, yes he is also on the platform, but he is a true worshiper. Person A’s purpose maybe is to be the president; person B maybe is to heal the land. Because of motive, person A maybe hindered from fulfilling his destiny while person B is free to do so.

Motive is critical. Always ask yourself, “Why am I doing what I am doing?Ananias and Saphira’s motive was wrong. They wanted something for nothing. Yes, they sacrificed, but not with the right motive.

Prov 11: 24:There is one that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is one that withholdeth more than is meet, yet he tendeth to poverty.

As men, we need to be givers. We need to be givers in Africa. Sacrifice for your destiny.

3. Lack of Confidence:
Ask the LORD to grant you confidence. Practice confidence beginning with the throne of God. The word of God declares that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. The word of God instructs us to boldly approach the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. As you walk in confidence with God, while you are yet speaking, god will deliver it to you. Don’t be one without confidence.

One of the characters of purpose is resilience. Learn how to get back up no matter how hard you had been hit.

Confidence will get you where education and eloquence can’t.

God doesn’t want you to look at yesterday, forget the former things nor consider the things of old, behold I am doing a new thing.

Grace is found and mercy is received. Learn how to find grace and receive mercy when you approach the Throne of God.

Men, don’t burn bridges. Be the one to apologize when things go wrong, even if it is not your fault. Some of you will have to leave here and go apologize. You do not know whether the LORD would use that person as your help in the future.

There are four things that cannot be shaken:
the Kingdom of God,
the Foundation of God,
the Word of God and
the hope of the believer.
Walk in these and you will not be shaken.

Learn how to come before the Throne of God with your eyes open, with confidence.

As you speak to people, have confidence. Learn how to be one of those people who do not tell everyone all their problems and life history at a go as if they are the ones who will assist you. Learn how to handle displeasure with the understanding that grater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Jesus also, at one time, reached a place where he wanted to give up but for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross. Consider the joy that is set before you: your wife, and your assignment... Consider the provision that he will give at the place of your assignment. Always aks yourself: "Am I the right candidate?" A whole generation awaits this answer. The cure for AIDS is in this generation, it is in your hands. Stop thinking local, of only Kenya.

I have this confidence that it is time for Africa!

The time is now. He did not call you for the middle of the mountain, you were called to the top of the mountain, they are meant to look up to you.

As men and Africa, you are no longer to ask for aid. We have discovered our identity. Remember with me for a moment, the first medicine was found in Africa. A man called Imhotep, the Greek made him a deity and called him Imhotepious designed over 200 cures on papyrus: how to bleed the head, and the back to reduce pressure, how to keep and preserve seed in the ground… This same man is Joseph. The mystery is that they cannot find his bones, because of the instruction he left that his bones should not be left in Egypt. Africa, the cornerstone that was rejected is about to become the head of the corner. This is the LORD’s doing, it is marvelous in our eyes. It’s time for us to decree that we are not ashamed, for God’s favour is on us.

4. Struggling with personal Issues:
Men are sruggling with emotional issues. Wacha niwaambie: hakuna mwanaume hana shida, wacha kufikiria ni wewe pekee yako. God is seeking men, umegongwa lakini bado umesimama, umeumia lakini bado umeshikilia.

Pray: God give me the ability to get back up.

We all have issues. And don’t excuse yourself that it was because of the way you were brought up—we were all brought up!

Moses tried to give excuses; one after the other God sorted him. God was not angry at any other excuse but that he stammered. He told him that he was the one that had made the tongue, he made the deaf and dumb, so what can't he do? God is tired of your personal excuse. He wants you to walk at the “I AM” level: the level where no matter your pesonal weakness, you will accomplish your purpose in your generation. David had more issues than Saul but he still had the ability to go to God and say, “send me”

5. Too much time on trivial Issues:
You are spending too much time on trivial issues. Watu wakikosana, wewe ndiye star. Stop being in every argument, every committee…bado watu wataoana, its not a must you be in every committee.

You need time to pen down the things God is speaking to you. Spend time before the Throne of Grace. Receive mercy for the past; gather grace for the present and the future.

Don’t burn relationships. Don’t burn bridges. However, there are some relationships that you have to break.

Nehemiah had no time for trivia. When they called him to the plains to discuss, he said that he could not go down to them, they had to come up to him.

6. Lack of Creativity:
Joseph found himself at the place of one responsible for agriculture, real estate, strategic grain reserves... He was the Prime minister over the land of Egypt with no one greater in the land than the Pharaoh himself.

Creativity: We always seek for God to open the windows of heaven, but don’t you know that it is only thieves who pass through the window? So, what you expect when he opens the windows of heaven is illumination. Illumination speaks about ideas. Remember that God is perfect; he does not only send rain on the just but also the unjust. But when the believer who received the illumination first fails to bear fruit, the LORD’s word must be accomplished, so the unbeliever receives it and bears fruit. It is small wonder that there are so many believers who are crying that their ideas have been stolen.

The bridge you need between illumination and producing it is implementation power. Receive it. I pray that every man here to receive the idea that will sort out your family for generations.

You operate under the priesthood of Melchisedek, a priest who lives forever. God wants to build something that is beyond you. Apprentice your children and teach them how to create wealth.Convey purpose and skill across the generations, not just the business. Show them that it can be done, no matter the times. Many of us give our children pocket money, telling them that times are hard .The child already has the consumer mentality and grows up in it, and you expect him to change into the producer mentality like the other child when he grows up?

May men feed their children with the right ideas and the right appetites. This comes by right conversation. May you have an inheritance transfer to your children. May increase be found in you and in your children.

In Gen 14, we find Abraham tithing to Melchisedek and he received a multi-generational blessing. Now there are things that a prophet does that provokes you to action. Melchisedek spoke such a blessing yet Abraham had no son. God heightened his desire for one.

Hebrews 10 Speaks of Christ, whose body we are, that he is a Priest forever, after the order of Melkisedek. Psalms 110 speaks of the same. The thing that we start as men in Christ, we must have the confidence that it shall last forever. I purpose "I will be tithing 40% from the Company. I will make God a partner". JC Penny tried it, began with 10%, then 20% then 30, 40… By the time he was done, he was living well on only 5%. That is why I don’t take a salary from the house of God. And this talk of “Before tax or after tax?” Wacheni upuzi! You owe God. Don’t play with tithe. If you do, the devourer ataweka mashimo kwa mfuko ya mke wako, anamaliza 10 k in one day bila any tangible evidence . Stop playing with this principal thing.

I speak no more lack of ideas. I speak technological and medical breakthroughs. Men, you are about to arise! Arise!

Hope does not ashamed. I have confidence that your home will never lack. There is a fresh flow of ideas to walk in stride and in confidence. You are providers. I have been in a place where I could not provide, when I was packed out of my home and was going to a place called nowhere, but unlike Abraham, I had not been sent there by God.

God is restoring the priesthood in Africa.

James 1:3
The trying of your faith produces patience. Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

It is patience that separates men from the boys.

Motive is critical. Don’t struggle for things. When motives are right, unity is perfected.

Let him ask in faith.” Believe God for an idea, even if it is to grow potatoes that will generate wealth.

“Nothing wavering” I release new ideas. You will receive the idea that will transform your life.

Rom 5:3
“Not only so, but we glory in tribulation.”

From today, the vocabulary of kungangana, kusukuma, kuhustle imeisha. You get what you say. Begin saying, “ I am great, the LORD is coming through for me and my family.”

Change your vocabulary. Speak to your future. Son of God, speak. When you speak, your future is what you say. There are people who will drag down your faith: decide whether you will stay with then or with God.

“Patience works experience, experience works character.”Character: Men, stop having affairs, cheating on your body and your purity. Let last night be the last time you would be found in the wrong place. I cancel the spirit of infirmity that makes you have to look for many women.

“Hope maketh not ashamed.”

If you have hope in God, you will not be ashamed. Begin decreeing that you are a messenger of hope. "My days of failure are over, the days of lack, scandal, timidity, failure, inability, aimlessness, mediocrity. Father, I thank you that I have found my identity and heritage. My days of shame are over. God is restoring the priesthood that is after the order of Melchisedek."

Countries change when men get on their knees, countries change, and continents change, times change.

7. Living in Yesterday:

God has something better for you, today, tomorrow and in the future. Stop paying to much attention on the glory of yesterday. Saul couldn’t get off that. God wants to move in your today.

Isaiah 43:18
Forget the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing. Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it. I make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Rain in your wilderness and in your business.

You must earn the right to be heard. Before you speak on any matter, ask yourself do you have the right to do so? You cannot take people a place where you have never been. We are breaking through in the market place.

I release the simplicity of the Kingdom upon you. You will do multibillion dollar business.

You who were dismissed, it’s gonna happen for you.

8. Lack of Focus:
Keep the main thing the main thing. There is no other ‘main thing’ except Jesus.

You will work with investors who know much more than you know, with greater experience.

God will give you grace to function at your place of assignment, no matter what your qualification is. Just keep your focus.

9. Fear of Failure:

God wants to give you confidence, to start and start again.

Heb. 12 talks about how we ought to lay aside sin and every weight and sin which so easily entangles and run with perseverance the race that is set before us LOOKING UNTO JESUS. He should be your focus at all times.

Even in the bedroom, begin communing with God, ask him for the anointing. Ask God for the ability to seal the deal. Yes, even that which will enable you to speak to women so that you are not always tongue tied when you meet one whom you love and yet can’t speak to win her.

When he gives you such ability, don’t just go. Always sit back and listen to him. LOOKING UNTO JESUS, not another man. In Christ you have your connection and your identity.

The next biggest idea is in Christ, in whom are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge, waiting for you to discover it.

10. Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Exhaustion:

Until a man is nothing, God cannot make a thing out of him.

When you look for a job or are getting into a marriage, don’t think about what you are getting, think about what you are becoming.

Men have gotten tired, they have stopped praying until it breaks. They are just doing first heaven prayer: prayer for praying’s sake. I pray that you pray prayers that go beyond the 1st heaven, penetrate the 2nd heaven where principalities are and go to the 3rd heaven, where the Throne of God is. Amen.

Interference mode is over. Let men arise; find their purpose and confidence back. Open your mouth and speak.

Go write that business plan. Making of business plans is one of the best disciplines one can develop: it makes you think about your goals, your ownership, makes you think like an employer.

Tonight, decree that you want to make a transfer. Speak and say LORD I have an identity crisis but I want to rediscover it and benefit my family.

Decree that your name is about to become a brand. In fact, append your signature on your notebook. Understand that your signature came with thought. It represents everything you are. I decree that from tonight, this scripture has value in the mighty name of Jesus.

Final Word:

I believe God that for a male revolution in this land.

(And I say the "Amen" to that one!)


Monday, September 5, 2011


Hi y’all,

Hope this week has been off—tha-hizzle for you, as it has been to me.

Well, the following blog comes from a discussion we had at the office with my colleagues one morning. One of my life coaches insists that you have to earn the right to be heard, and I believe in this matter, if you know me, would judge me a faithful witness.

Please, feel free to do your own research and embellish your knowledge…


A soul tie is one of the greatest threats to human existence, apart from being one of its greatest blessings. Why? The person with whom you have a soul tie with has the keys to your heart, to do as they will, for death or for life. No wonder Prov 4:23 says: "keep your heart with all vigilance, for out of it flows the issues of life."

Psalms 18:1-3
“I will love thee, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God my strength, in whom I trust; my buckler and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from my enemies."

Psalms 144:1

“Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: my goodness, my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.”

The human being is triune, that is has 3 parts existing in unity:
body (tsuma)
soul (psuche/psyche) and
spirit (pneuma).

The soul comprises of the mind, the will, and the emotions. God created the human being as a free will being. A soul tie, on the other hand, seeks to influence what one thinks, what one chooses and what one feels (in short all your life!)

Tie: cling, attach to, adhere, glue.

Gen 2:7
And the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

It is God who created man. It is God who caused him to have life by the breath of his nostrils.

In Ezekiel 18, the LORD declares,” all souls are mine…” he is the supreme owner and giver of all life.

However, because of the aspect of free will, inasmuch as he created man for fellowship, the LORD does not force man into union with him. The enemy, on the other hand, if a man would cede his authority, the enemy will not hesitate to put such a man in bondage.

He has his agents, whether they do so of their own will or not. That is why God instructed the children of Israel:
Deut 10:20
“You shall fear the LORD your God, him shall you serve, and to him shall you cling to and swear by his name.”
God wants you to willingly cling to Him. He will keep you from all other bonds. If you are not his bondservant… you are in danger of being enslaved by others!

A man and a woman, in the confines of marriage, were meant to cleave, to cling and to be bond to each other, so as to release the power that such a synergy creates, as a representation of the unity God, as a Trinity, had with himself in heaven.

Gen 2:24
Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cling to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.

The aspect of two become one is a mystery…

Soul ties come by:
• Blood covenants
• Sex
• Vows, commitments and agreements

Other avenues by which soul ties come by are:
• Romantic relationships
• Oaths
• Idols
• Close Friendships
• Music, movies and books
• Vows commitments and Agreements
• Love
• Trust
• secrets

Soul Tie: a bond that cling attach to, adhere, glue.

A soul tie can be for good or for evil.

It was with the intention of creating a soul tie that it is written:A man shall cleave to his wife and the two shall ebcome one flesh..

David and Jonathan:

They had a soul tie 1 Sam 18: 1, 3-4. 2 Sam 1:25-26. From these scriptures we learn that the love in a soul tie is, wait for it – L.E.G.E.N.D.A.R.Y!!!! It is recorded that Jonathan loved David as his own soul. He could do him no harm and only sought the best for him. Jonathan, the crown prince of Israel, ceremonially stripped himself of the symbols of his status, his clothes and his sword, and gave them to David, the johnnie-come-lately in the palace! It is small wonder that when Jonathan was slain together with his father on the mountains of Gilboa, David in his lamentation said:

2 Sam 1:26
“I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant has thou has been to me; thy love to me was more wonderful, more than the love of women.”

Wow! so said the man who had that time three wives… The connection in a soul tie is without comparison.

Now, I’m sure you are asking, “How does this affect the price of fish? What does all this got to do with me?” Well, in your case, check if you have an unusual connection with anyone, even of the same sex. If you do, well yes, that’s a soul tie, baby! You can be in two different locations, but you experience the same emotions if not the same state of mind as they.

This is a call to action blog. Now that you know what a soul tie is, and have an idea of how powerful it can become, it is time to go break it and seek to cleave to the LORD as Deuteronomy 10:20 commands.

Seek the help of a trusted man or Woman of God, depending on your age difference with them and gender. Be warned, there is a high likelihood that any unproven warrior who seeks to break such a tie would end up being bound themselves. So allow them to search themselves out before engaging.

Shalom, peace and life to you.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Of Superheros and Achilie's Heels: Recognition of Your Dominant Weakness

Hi wonderful people!

Hope you have had an awesome month, and got time to enjoy the love and warmth of those you love. June has been such a wonderful month! Not only does it have a touch of summer but also the effervescence of Spring, I love it!And if you thought June was awesome, July is the real deal!

Romans 8:18
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this world are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us”

Confessions Part II:
I, for one, recently went through a season of personal trial and testing.I bless God for it, but wouldnt want to repeat that class! Let me spare you the details, but like the land of the rising sun, my foundations were tested, to the point I almost despaired, but for God!)Psalms 11:1. I thank God for all the’ angels’ who came my way to strengthen me and keep hope alive.Bottom line is, I made it, now i'm stronger, wiser,better... not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit of God. To those cme to my aid: May God answer you when you call, may the name of the God of Jacob protect you! Amen.

So I write to strengthen you, my reader.

Giant killers aren’t slain by giants, but by a dominant flaw they have nursed through the years which they had a chance to deal with it, but never did. I mourn for all the champions and great men whose hubris has surfaced and destroyed them, if not caused them to stumble, or lose their way. Sometimes, it seems like we read our own press—and visit our own towering steel monuments-- to the point we think we are immortal, invincible! We forget that even the best of men, are men at best. We forget that the steel image is just that, an image; the real person is flesh and blood. Sadly, one key feature of our humanity is frailty…a frailty which so many in their moment of glory, forget.

Apart from a synthesis of the lessons I have learnt from my recent past, the following blog is excerpted from Mike Murdock’s book, The Law of Recognition. If you can, get the book, it is such an empowering resource.

Enjoy, and more so, mend your ways:


Every human being contains weaknesses.

The Psalmist notes in Psalms 78:39:
“For he remembers that we are but flesh; a wind that passes away, and cometh not again.”
One weakness can destroy you.

Recognition of your dominant weakness will save you a thousand nights of tears failure and devastation.

Things that begin small can become huge.

Greed, lust, prayer and even gossip can grow.

Your weakness is a living organism within you. It is a force, silent deadly, that moves your life towards destruction. If ignored, it can wreck every dream, sabotage every worthy relationship and ultimately make you a monument of disgrace on the earth.

Here are some facts you should know about your weaknesses:

1.Everyone has weaknesses: “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23). It is only when we will be glorified that we will be perfect, but as it is; we are not yet there (bummer!) That’s human nature for you—we cast a veneer on the real us. Many camouflage their weaknesses. Always remember that those around you can contain weaknesses too. Failure to discern theirs may destroy you as well. Never forget: even the best of men, are men at best.

2.Your Heavenly Father is fully aware of your weaknesses: It matters to him. He cares. He longs to give you the strength to destroy it. “For he remembers that we are but flesh” (Psalms 78:39) “He remembers that we are dust” (Psalms 103:14)

3.Your weakness is the entry point of demonic spirits in your life. Satan entered Judas at the entry point of his weakness. Dude was greedy for gain, he used to steal from the ministry’s coffers, so, when the opportunity presented itself for him to ‘sell out’ on his master, the guy did it. Child of God, this is a caution to all of us: we better check ourselves before we wreck ourselves.

4.God will make every effort to reveal your weaknesses to you before it destroys you. He spoke to Simon Peter at the last supper: “And Jesus said, “Simon, Simon, behold Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith fail not. And After you are converted, strengthen your brethren.”

5.Somebody will be assigned by Hell to feed your weakness: Delilah was sent by Satan to destroy Samson. (judges 16:4,5) Notice that Samson had been a judge over Israel for 20 years, 20 YEARS!!! From the very first crush on a philistine woman (let’s say he was 30 years old- 30 being the age when one was considered old enough to start a family and minister) to the end of two decades as a judge over God’s people, this man of God had tolerated, even justified, this weakness. He had allowed himself to be blinded by his spectacular strength, wisdom and authority from dealing with his weakness. So far, he had gotten away with it—for some 20 odd years. He had broken all but one of all the requirements for the consecration of Nazaites. (Truth be told, NO ONE is above God’s law.) Now, I believe there is nothing particularly wrong with falling in love, or being attracted to someone, whether they are Mr./ Miss right, or what’s left… But when you break God’s law to pursue what is forbidden, calamity is scheduled.

It was chapters after his initial escapade that it is noted that Samson loved a woman called Delilah (She must have been one foxxy mama, seeing that her name mean’s ‘entice’) It was only after he fell in love with her that the five lords of the Philistines approached her and offered her eleven thousand pieces of silver, each, for him. (Btw: they paid up as soon as she told them that Samson had told her all his heart—Delilah makes Judas look like a bad negotiator, doesn’t she?) Question is who do you love? What have you opened yourself up to? Think about it.

6.Your weakness will pursue, embrace and seize any relationship that permits it, feeds it , or enjoys it. The contentious spirit of one person can infiltrate a whole Church, especially those who allow it to exist unrebuked, unchecked and uncorrected. What you tolerate, you will consequently support. There is no stimulus you accept that is meant to leave you the same. So, I guess it is time to draw boundaries and raise standards.

7.Your weakness has an agenda, a plan to take over your life and sabotage it. James the Apostle says: “Let no man say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God” for god can not be tempted by evil, neither does he tempt anyone. But when he is tempted, he is lured and enticed by his own desire/ lust. When lust conceives it gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. (James 1:15) Child of God let not the taste of that scrumptious worm blind you to the reality of the hook. Little fish, stop playing, swim away!

8.Your weakness will bond you to the wrong people. Remember Samson the judge who refused the daughters of Israel and instead chose Delilah the seductress who knew how to cater for her man…

9.Your weakness will separate you from the right people: Adam withdrew and hid from the presence of God after he had sinned. To date, Adam would rather sit in the bush than come to the light of the Gospel of Christ. Your weakness will make you uncomfortable in the presence of those who refuse to justify it.

10.Your weakness will emerge at any time of your life, including your closing years: “Cast me not off in the time of old age, forget me not when my strength faileth.” (Psalms 71:9) Dr. Lester Summral, a one-time protégé of Smith Wigglesworth and mentor of Rod Parsley, once said: “what you fail to master in your early years will master you in your later years.”

11.Your weakness cannot be overcome by humanism, human philosophy, explanations and self will power: If you could overcome your weakness by yourself, the blood of Jesus is powerless and the Holy Spirit is unnecessary. “You shall receive power after the Holy ghost has come upon you.” (Acts 1:8)

12.Your weakness does not require a personal confession before everybody, but a recognition of it in the presence of God: Psalms 34:18 “The LORD is nigh to them that are of a broken heart, and saves such as are of a contrite spirit.” James 5:16 “Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” After every confession, pray. Get God involved in solving the disclosed problem.(Which means don’t share with anyone who cannot pray for you—it’s a waste of time.)

13.The easiest time to destroy a weakness is at the beginning stages: Time takes a fiber-like weakness and weaves a steel thread around it to the point it becomes an unbreakable chain. Consider those who are enslaved to smoking.

14.God will permit you to enjoy many victories even while your weakness is operating within you: He is long suffering. He is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. He is merciful. He provides opportunity for you to reach deliverance. (Mat 23:37)

15.Those you love are waiting in the shadows for you to overcome and triumph over your weakness: Your victory will send a message to them, in them too is the ability to conquer themselves and the nations. David killed Goliath and the entire Israel changed its season. Overcome! “All creation groans for the manifestation of the sons of God.”

16.Your weakness can only be overcome by the word of God: Satan reacts to the word of God, that is why Jesus used this as his choice weapon when dealing with the powers of darkness during his temptation. (Mat 4:1-11)

17.Overcoming your weakness will bring you incredible reward in eternity: Revelations 2 and 3 record Christ’s message to the seven churches. To everyone who fought to overcome what plagued them, he promised a specific reward. What is your most dominant weakness in your life that Satan has consistently used to dilute your testimony, break your focus and create depression? You may hide it for a season, but time exposes all things.

Address your weakness. Become an enemy of it (Most people enjoy temptation rather than endure it. Why? This generation does not hate sin—we hate the wages of sin but not sin. To truly love God is to hate what he hates—sin.) Trust the Holy Spirit to empower you to overcome, and even in midst of the storm of temptation—when you feel your resolve slipping, confess words of strength (BTW: The tongue is a rudder that turns the ship, what you say in the midst of a storm matters: what the devil says does not matter—it isn’t backed with veto power—what you say matters! He does not have authority over anything, until a human being relinquishes the same to him by coming into agreement with him. Remember Eve and the serpent. That’s why he deceives you to say what he is saying—always in the moment of weakness speak strength, speak life. Scripture says, let the weak say, “I am strong”. Death and life are in the power of your tongue! And if you love music, please don’t play that tune which encourages your state, however catchy it is—you will sing along with it and though you had strength to win, you lose!) Confession is the evidence of trust.

In conclusion, here are some pointers to remember:

What you fail to destroy will eventually destroy you: God told King Saul to destroy all Amalekites. He didn’t. Not only did he loose the Kingdom for this disobedience, but also was slain by the hand of an Amalekite when he failed to kill himself.

What you are willing to walk away from determines what God is willing to bring to you: Ruth walked away from Moab and met Boaz the uncommon husband. Judas refused to walk away from the money offered him to betray Jesus.(Dude sold out on the Lord of all Creation for the price of a common slave-30 pieces of silver- and lost out on his apostleship and a chance to have one of the foundations of the New Jerusalem have bear his name.) He committed suicide. If he only knew the reward the LORD had in store for him…what are you selling out on the LORD for? A husband? A wife? A career? A living? Even if it is all the riches of this world, it is not worth it. Great rewards in eternity await for whosoever will conquer: what no eye has seen, no ear heard, nor mind of man conceived—that is what the LORD has in store for you. Child of God, never give up, never give in.

All men fall—the greatest ones get back up. Your weakness can be overcome. Even when you have failed, get back up.

Stop looking at where you have been, start looking at where you are going. Yesterday is over, start talking like it. Speak words that move you toward your future instead of your past.

You cannot correct what you are unwilling to confront: Face your weakness. If you ignore it, it will grow to become a monster you must face.

Crisis always occurs at the curve of change. Sometimes, when we make major changes in or careers, in our plans, crisis emerges. Our weaknesses surface. Discern these ahead of time by looking ahead.

Anger is the birth place of solutions. Hate your weakness. Despise it. Then focus that anger appropriately.

Struggle is proof that you have not been conquered. You may feel like you are battling every moment of your life against your weakness. That is proof that you are still a champion, the leader, the winner!

What you tolerate, you cannot change: You cannot conquer your weakness if you think it is just a little vice and everyone is entitled to one.” It will eventually destroy you.

Every relationship will feed either a weakness or a strength in you: Name relationships for what they are. Do you keep someone in your life because they tolerate your weakness? Feed it? Nurture it? Wrong people breathe life into the weakness God is attempting to kill.(in effect, your friends end up resisting God and becoming his enemies.)

Recognition of your dominant weakness will help you avoid disgrace, loss and tragedy.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Atmosphere:A Change in the Air.

People of God,

Hope you are well and have had a week full of victory, as I have.

Well, this blog, Reflections , is focused on empowering you to live the victorious life God destined you to live in Christ.

We are called to be atmosphere changers, transformers.In this capacity, believe we should fight to take back territory, atmospheres and bloodlines which the enemy has ruled us in and robbed us of.Rev 12 Talks about such a war, and like it or not, you are involved.

The following blog was excerpted from a Chuck Pierce's book that I have been ruminating on,the Future War of The Church.

Child of God, be equipped, in Jesus name.


A change in the Air

Do we really understand this war that is being fought? A better way to approach this may be from an understanding of the atmosphere. According to the American Dictionary of the English Language, the atmosphere is "the whole mass of fluid, consisting of air, aqueous and other vapors, that surrounds the Earth." The word is rooted in the interaction between vapor and the Earth's sphere. Vapor consists of the fumes, moist floating substance or invisible elastic fluid that encompasses the Earth's sphere. The Bible even refers to this in Psalm 39:5 when it says, "Certainly every man at his best state is but vapor." Yet when most of us speak of "the atmosphere," we're referring to a generic sense of an airborne aura surrounding us.

What does the atmosphere have to do with a war over God's presence? Actually, everything. We have an atmosphere about us that affects the way the earth operates. The atmosphere we carry affects the land we walk on. The more we are in union with God and His purpose for the earth, the more we create a right atmosphere around us.

To usher in God's presence requires a change in the atmosphere, and we are assigned the task of bringing this about!

The Bible establishes that Satan is the god of this world, the "prince of the power of the air" (Eph. 2:2). Yet how is this so if Psalm 24:1 says, "The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness"? First, we must understand the terms used in those two verses. The Greek word for "earth" is topos, while the word for "world" is cosmos. This means that any structure that protrudes or is above the topos is subject to warfare. Second, we must realize the Bible establishes that there are three heavens. God and all His heavenly beings dwell in the third heaven. Satan, as the ruler of the air, attempts to rule from the second heaven to illegally legislate in the first heaven—that place where we physically stand above the earth.

Apostle Kim Daniels, in her book Give it Back, explains it this way:

"Ephesians 2:2 describes the assignment of the prince of the power of the air. One name for the Greek god of the second heaven is Zeus. The second heaven is the demonic headquarters that is strategically set up to control people like puppets on a string. In the spirit, that is exactly how it looks—like a puppet show! Every human being is connected to either the second or third heaven. People who are bound by second heaven activity are connected to the second heaven by demonic stings. The hydra is the god of recurring curses and is also seated in the heavens. It is one of the constellations or groups of stars that abide in the heavens. The power of the air (or unconscious cycles) is a subliminal bondage, which is controlled from the air. This spirit hides behind the cover of natural habits, and its victims never suspect that they are under its control. Before people are delivered from addictions and habits, demonic strings must be cut in the spirit to sever their alliances with the second heaven. After this, ground-level deliverance can take place.2"

We must determine who is in charge of our atmosphere. Are we going to legislate God's rule in our atmosphere or will our enemy control it? This is one of our greatest warfare dynamics to understand. In Authority in Prayer, Dutch Sheets writes:

"Where God and Satan are concerned, the issue has never been power, including control of the earth. God is all-powerful . . . it is always a question of authority. The same is true with us and our struggle with the kingdom of darkness. Satan didn't gain any power at the Fall and didn't lose any at the cross. His power or ability didn't change at either event. His authority, or the right to use his power, did. In fact, though Christians often state otherwise, Scripture nowhere says that Christ delivered us from or dealt with Satan's power at Calvary. He dealt with Satan's authority."

We must learn to legislate within our realm of authority, while understanding that it is not the same thing as power.Our realm of authority includes both heaven and earth. That is what makes up our atmosphere. Jesus broke Satan's headship and removed his legal authority at the cross. He then overcame death, hell and the grave. He liberated the captives. However, we must keep Satan's power neutralized and defeated in the place in the earth where God has called us to be His stewards. That is what Elijah did when he commanded the heavens to withhold rain for three and a half years (see 1 Kings 17). Then, knowing it was God's perfect time for rain, he birthed a cloud into his atmosphere. The atmosphere was then filled with rain.

Is a Curse Working in Your Midst?

Satan has a million different ways in which he tries to extend his dominion of the air. This chapter is not dedicated to identifying all those opposing tactics, but I do feel it necessary to highlight one in particular: curses. Passed down through time, curses work with iniquitous patterns that have developed in our bloodline. Let's look at how curses play a major role in our reclaiming the atmosphere around us.

Though it seems almost too simple, one of the ways that you can detect a curse is by recognizing the absence of God's glory or presence. According to The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism, a curse is a "verbal invocation to bring harm, evil or detriment on another. More than a threat or a wish, a curse is assumed to have the power to make the desired harm a reality."4 Curses result from not hearing God's voice or receiving another voice that is contrary to God's plan for your life. Curses will agree with internal deficiencies within us such as rebellion, lust or any other sin of the flesh. Derek Prince wrote a wonderful book called Blessings or Curses: You Can Choose. In his analysis of Deuteronomy 28, he says there are seven main categories that curses deal with.

They are:

1. Mental and/or emotional breakdown

2. Repeated or chronic sicknesses (especially if hereditary)

3. Barrenness, a tendency to miscarry or related female problems

4. Breakdown of marriage or family alienation

5. Continuing financial insufficiency

6. Being "accident-prone"

7. A history of suicides and unnatural or untimely deaths5

Because I teach so much on breaking old cycles, I want to be sure that you recognize that curses can be timed and sequenced so that they reoccur from generation to generation. This will continue to take place until the iniquitous pattern in a bloodline or the iniquitous violation on a piece of land has been addressed. I have much experience with both of these patterns. In fact, my wife jokes that I'm qualified to teach on demonic powers all over the world because my family had all of them in operation! Many of those curses operated on the land that we owned. I won't tell all of those stories here, but I will say this: The Lord took me through a 30-year process going back and forth to places where iniquitous defilements occurred in our family. He then would have me repent and release His presence to replace the working of evil. I read many books on cleansing the land and discovered that there are four major areas of iniquity that cause curses to have a right to operate in a land: covenant breaking, idolatry or blood sacrifice, illegal bloodshed and sexual immorality.

Many Christian leaders make light of the concept of curses. I do not want to do that. I do believe that curses are conditional. I am well aware that they can come through words, timing and astrological influences, or magical incantations and actions. More importantly, however, curses can be broken.

A man once approached me who was from a denominational background. The group he worked with had bought a new piece of land to build a school and ministry on. When he and some of his coworkers were walking on the land, they got to a place where everyone immediately sensed a change in the atmosphere. Every hair on his body seemed to stand up. He asked me what that meant.

"When that happens, it means you have discerned a presence of evil," I answered. "It is the Holy Spirit manifesting in you with the gift of discerning evil spirits." He then asked me what he should do and how he should pray. I said, "Well, first of all, you pray until all the hair on your body goes down! That means you have commanded the presence of evil to let go of the place where you are standing and the atmosphere has been cleansed." The group later found several places where satanic sacrifices had been made on their land.

Planning for the Presence

Many of us need to reclaim territories just like this group did. While this can certainly involve claiming victory over the dark history behind a piece of physical land, more often than not it involves cleaning out areas of our lives in which God's glory is not fully seen. We must become people of His presence, consumed with His habitation throughout every inch of our atmosphere.

King David was such a person. Despite making some major mistakes during his reign, David loved the presence of God and had a heart that was turned after God. He was always willing to rely on God to salvage his failures and restore him.

In 2 Samuel 6, we find an account of how David first attempted to bring the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem, where he lived. His desire was pure: He wanted the presence of God to surround his life. Yet his execution was flawed and left one of his men dead. As a result, David feared transporting the Ark to his house and instead left it at the home of Obed-Edom. Scripture says, "And the Lord blessed Obed-Edom and all his household," and this was relayed to David.

What is interesting is that this Hebrew word for blessed is barak, which at its root means "to kneel." Jeff A. Benner, on his Ancient Hebrew Research Center website, gives an understanding of this word as, "Yahweh (he who exists) will kneel before you presenting gifts."6 The Ark was only with Obed-Edom for three months, yet there was a discernible change in his situation that caused others to recognize that he was being blessed, that Yahweh was presenting him with gifts—all because of the presence of the Ark!

The mistake wasn't in David's heart or in his lack of preparation. David had already built a site for the Ark. He had established a special place for God's presence to dwell. No, the lesson David learned was simply this: How we invite the presence of God and how we honor His presence is very important. David serves as a wonderful example because although he made a great mistake, he discovered how to properly bring the Ark to the City of David. He then entered a "series of conquests which greatly extended and strengthened his kingdom (2 Sam. 8). In a few years, the whole territory from the Euphrates to the river of Egypt, and from Gaza on the west to Thapsacus on the east, was under his sway (2 Sam. 8:3-13; 10)."

According to Leen and Kathleen Ritmeyer in From Sinai to Jerusalem: The Wanderings of the Holy Ark, the Ark was placed right next to David's palace, in his yard. Living on his property, in his backyard, was the God who brought him gifts! The Tabernacle of David would have remained there for about 30 years. I believe this is what gave David great credibility in war. What an incredible principle! When we have the presence of God in our homes, the gifts of God are bestowed abundantly on our lives and we are successful in war.

However, I also believe this is why David was judged so severely when he didn't go to war and fell into passivity, lust, manipulation and murder after coveting Bathsheba. When we commit open sin while in God's presence, our problems escalate. This is why it is more disastrous when a minister hides a lifestyle of sin than for an everyday Christian to do so. Obviously, sin is sin, but the influence that we have from the presence of God in our midst is not to be taken lightly. I believe we are more accountable when we are aware of God's presence in our midst and we do not act accordingly.

John Dickson, a fellow minister and friend of mine who co-authored The Worship Warrior with me, writes the following about David:

What was unique about the Tabernacle of David was that it was a heavenly paradigm in an earthly setting. When David brought in the Ark, there was already a Tabernacle specifically designed to house it: The tabernacle of Moses was just down the road in Gibeon (see 2 Chron. 1:4-5). But God said of David that He would "carry out My program fully" (Acts 13:22, AMP) and so we find David setting up a different kind of tent on Zion's hill with no brazen altar, no laver, no lampstand, no altar of incense, no table of show bread and—most importantly—no veil. The worshippers entered the very presence of God face-to-face, just like they did in heaven. The way they worshipped was also just like in heaven: With no forms or rituals, they sang and danced and prophesied and warred before the Lord as the minions of heaven are seen doing in the book of Revelation.

There in that Tabernacle on Zion's hill, God enthroned Himself on their praises (see Ps. 22:3) and from that throne He stretched forth His scepter (see Ps. 110:1-3), issued His commands (see Ps. 133:3), declared His blessings (see Ps. 128:5; 134:3), heard the prayers of the destitute (see Ps. 102:17) and punished His enemies (see Isa. 66:6). That word enthroned implies in the Hebrew that God not only came to sit as judge, but also to stay or to dwell—even to marry. God was not going to leave once His "work" was done. He had found a suitable dwelling place for His presence to continually dwell on earth. Psalm 132 says "For the Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation. This is My resting place forever; here I will dwell, for I have desired it" (Ps. 132:13-14, NASB). In David's Tabernacle, God was in the midst of continual praises. It was just like His holy hill, by the same name, in heaven. As a matter of fact, Psalm 78 says that God built His sanctuary on Mount Zion "like the heights" (Ps. 78:67-69) or just like it was built in heaven. God's presence, which was continually manifested in heaven, was now continually manifested on the earth. His people could come into that small tent and experience that presence just like the inhabitants of heaven. How wonderful!9

Throughout the Bible, we see that God is enthroned in praise. We glorify Him through our worship. That is why praise and worship are essential to experiencing God's glory. Praise is that element of celebration that can transport us into the throne room of God. Once we are in the throne room at His feet, the only suitable response is to worship and adore Him. As we worship Him in that intimate place, He begins to reveal His glory to us. God is looking for true worshipers who will worship "in spirit and truth" (John 4:24), and as He finds those worshipers, they are able to experience the reality of heaven, which is God's glory.


Hope it was worth your time,


Sunday, May 15, 2011


Hi people!

Hope you had a wonderful week, as I did.

I thank God for friends and family, they are God’s gift to us in times of trouble and difficulty. The proverb rings true, ”A friend is made for all times, and a brother born for adversity.” A toast to them!

Before I begin, let me celebrate you. Thank you for taking the time to come” listen” to my musing… it’s the audience that makes the artist. Thank you!

I am currently reviewing Robert Greene’s The Art of Seduction: 24 Laws of Persuasion, (I have to catch my breath, what a book!) I was tempted to blog it first, but, in keeping with my emphasis in the last blog (the Shepherd preparing a table before you in the presence of your enemies), allow me to share with you some of the insight I gained from a chapter on the same from Mike Murdock’s The Law of Recognition.

I chose to share this chapter (and that on the Recognition of your Dominant Weakness- to be posted later) with the understanding that life can be a battle field, and in this season of war, the best intelligence mechanisms demand that you know the roles each character is playing in the theatre of your life and adjust accordingly, lest you be caught unawares.

Btw, this blog is pretty long…

Hope you will enjoy:


Even Jesus had enemies, he always had enemies. An uncommon achiever must recognize an adversary:
The common resent the uncommon
The impure despise the pure
The unholy despise the holy
The lazy despise the diligent.


1.Jesus expected his disciples to stir enemies: “And ye shall be hated of all men for my names sake.” (Matt 22) “The disciple is not above his master, nor is the servant above his lord. It enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they called the master of the House of Beelzebub, how much more will they call those of his household?” (Matt 10:24, 25)

2.Jesus instructed his disciples to anticipate enemies. Behold, I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves, be ye wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. (Mat 10:16)

3.Jesus warned his disciples ahead of time that men would become their enemies: “But beware of men, for they will deliver you to councils and they will scourge you in their synagogues: and ye shall be brought before governors for my sake, for a testimony against them and the gentiles (Mat 10;17-18) Jesus did not merely warn them of the devil, he warned them of men.


1.You will always have an enemy (Mat 22)

2.Your enemy is someone who tries to sabotage the assignment God has for you (Gal 5:7-9, Deut 13:6,8,9)

3.Your enemy is any person who resents your desire for increase and the reward it brings. (1 Sam 17:28)

4.Your enemy is anyone unhappy about your progress. Nehemiah faced this, Ezra faced this. They had accusations and letters written against them.

5.Your enemy is anyone who increases or strengthens a personal weakness God is attempting to remove from your life. A Delilah, perhaps (Judges 16)

6.Your enemy is anyone attempting to kill the faith God is birthing within you. God may be birthing your ministry. Your vision may be exploding. Your enemy is any person who makes any attempt to abort the emergence of your dream, calling or assignment.

7.Your enemy is anyone who would discuss your past rather than your future. Yesterday is in the tomb,(Isaiah 43:18-19) tomorrow is in the womb.

8.Your enemy is someone who weakens your passion for your future and your dream. The ten spies were used by the enemy to weaken the resolve of Moses to enter Canaan. The crowd instructed the blind man to be quiet.

9.Your enemy is anyone who attacks the weak around you. Some people in your life are too weak to discern a trap. They are blinded by personality, looks or even blessing.

10.Your enemy is someone of your own household “And a man’s enemies will be those of his own household. (Matt 14:36)

11.Your enemy should not be feared. “And fear not them, which can kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both the body and soul in hell. (Matt 10:28)

12.The perfect will of God is your deliverance from your enemy. “And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for not all have the faith” (2 Thes 3:2)

13.The Holy Spirit will provide answers concerning the enemy. “The Holy Spirit will tell you what to speak” (Mat 10:28)

14.Your enemy is often discerned ahead of time by your mentor (Luke 22:31-32)

15.Your fasting can move the hand of God in destroying your enemy (Joel 2:15, 19, 20)

16.God will fight against your enemy. “The LORD your God will fight for you, you need only be still” (Deut 20:9)

17. Your enemy is not all that (i just had to throw that in...)

18.Your enemy will not be allowed by God to win. (Psalms 118:6) The LORD is on my side, I do not fear. What can man do to me?

19.Your enemy is a natural and necessary part of your life. (John 15:19-21)

20.Satan is your eternal enemy, (Eph 6:12) we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, and powers, and world rulers of this present darkness, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.

21.You cannot defeat your enemy with your own strength. (2 Corinthians 3:5) “Not that we are sufficient in ourselves, our sufficiency is of God…”

22.God expects you to prepare your defense against your enemy (Eph 6:10, 11) finally brethren, be strong in the LORD and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the evil day, having done all, to stand. Stand therefore…”

23.Overcoming your enemy is key to your rewards (Rev 3:5, 12)

24.The spoils of war, not your enemy, must remain your focus. (Rev 3:21, I Peter 4:13-14)

25.You will always have a warfare companion during every battle with your enemy (Isaiah 43:1-2) “I will be with you…”

26.Your enemy provides God an opportunity to reveal his commitment to you (2 Cor 12:9, 10) My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in your weakness…”

27.The wisdom of conquering your enemy will be imparted to you in the place of prayer (Psalms 27:5, 6)

28.You should never disclose in public the amount of damage done by your enemy. (Prov 29:11) “A fool uttereth all his mind; but a wise man keepeth it till afterwards…”

29.An uncommon enemy will require uncommon wisdom. James 1:5” If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God who gives liberally and without reproach…” (Psalm 119:98) “Through thy commandments, thou has made me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me.”

30.You should never reveal your strategy against the enemy to those uncommitted to you or to your cause. (Prov 29: 11)” A fool uttereth all his mind…”

31.Your warfare with the enemy is always seasonal (Ecc 3:1,3,8) To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven…a time to love, a time to hate, a time of war and a time of peace.”

32.Your greatest weapon against the enemy is the Word of God (Eph 6;17) And take the helmet of Salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

33.The Holy Spirit will teach you the principles of warfare against your enemy. Blessed be the LORD, my strength, which teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to fight (Psalms 144:1)

34.You must enter every battle against your enemy for purposes of bringing glory to God. (1 Sam 17;45, 46,47)

35.You should expect to win every battle against the enemy (1 Sam 17:46) “Then David said to the Philistine, “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day will the LORD deliver you into mine hand: and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee: and I will give the carcasses of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel”

36. Your enemy is still not all that...

37.Your enemy will be opposed by God even when you are unable to defend yourself. (2 Chronicles 20:15, 17) The LORD is a man of war, the LORD of hosts is his name (Exodus 15:13)

38.Your enemy is often ignorant of your past victories which makes them vulnerable and unprepared for you. Goliath did not know that David had fought the lion and the bear.

39.Your enemy, when aware of your past victories, becomes more fearful of you. Remember what Rahab said about the children of Israel when they came to spy Jericho.

40.The Holy Spirit will reveal any snare prepared by your enemy (2 Cor 2:11) “Lest satan should take advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices.”

41.The Holy Spirit is more powerful than any enemy you will ever face (1 John 1:14) “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world”

42.Your enemies will never discern the protective wall of angels surrounding you in battle (Psalms 34:7)

43.Your enemy can not withstand the weapon of praise during times of battle (Psalms 34:7)

44.Your enemy reveals by his attacks that he is fully persuaded by your ability to obtain your goal. (Phil 4:13)

45.Your enemy will attack you at the birth of any significant season of your life (Mat 4, Luke 4, Daniel 9)

46.Jesus instructed his disciples to sow seeds of love, prayer and acts of kindness into the enemy (Mat 5:44, 45)

47.Loving your enemies will create a great reward. (Mat 5:46, Luke 6:35)

48.Any legal entanglement with your enemy should be avoided whenever possible (Matt 5:25,26)

49.An enemy causes movement in your life. Without Pharaoh, the Israelites would have adapted to Egypt.

50.When God has used up the benefits of your present season, he assigns the enemy to become your exit from that season.

51.Your enemy is an announcement form God that your present season has come to a conclusion. Goliath marked David’s shift from being a shepherd boy to a valiant warrior king.

52.Your enemy unleashes your imagination. When Pharaoh increased the pain and the burden on the Israelites, they began to picture the future, where they wanted to be. The Promised Land became a new target, Pain in your present is necessary to give birth to the dream God is developing.

53.Your enemy exposes your weakness. Awareness of your weakness births humility. Humility is a magnet that attracts God and his angels.

54.Your enemy reveals your limitations. When you realize your limitations, begin looking for the solution in those near you. Whatever you lack, God has carefully stored it in someone near you.When your enemy comes, he often exhausts your strength, your creativity and your ideas. This usually launches a search to find heavenly treasure stored in an earthen vessel near you. Remember, love is the secret code for that treasure.

55.Your enemy unifies your friends.

56.The Holy Spirit will often bring conviction to your enemies “who will have all men saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth” (I Tim 2:4, Acts 16:29, 30, 2 Peter 3:9)

57. Your enemy is still not all that!

58.Your enemy today could possibly become your greatest ally tomorrow. Remember Saul the Persecutor turned to Paul the Apostle (Acts 9:13, 15)

59.Your enemy may be suddenly confronted by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 9:3-5)

60.Your enemy might experience a sudden change of heart. (Acts 9:6)

61.Your enemy may completely turn around because of a tragedy or crisis (Acts 9:8,9)

62.Your enemy is a door, not a wall, to your next season. It happened to Esther. It happened to Daniel. It happened to job. It can happen for your elevation and increase.

63.The only true difference between a nobody and somebody is the enemy they decide to conquer (1 Sam 18:6, 7)

64.Your enemy is the difference between obscurity and significance. ( 1 Sam 18, 6,7)

65.The size of your enemy determines the size of your rewards (1 Sam 17:4-7, 25)

66.Your enemy forces any Judas in your life to reveal himself. Judas is not your enemy. Everybody has a Judas. Judas are intimidated by you. They work undercover. They betray you behind your back. Judas resents the love and loyalty expressed by others toward you. A Judas is someone who believes your enemy has a right to be heard. A Judas plays both parts: in your presence, a friend, in their presence a friend. When your enemy enters, he will bond with the Judas in your circle of confidants. Your Judas will be exposed quickly when your enemy bonds with them. (BTW: Do not be afraid when your Judas will be revealed, the sacrifice will be swift and in three days, you will resurrect with power!)

67.Anything good will always have an enemy: Evil despises righteousness, fear despises faith, and weakness despises strength. Jesus was the very Son of God, yet the religious crowd despised them.

68.You will only be remembered for the enemy you destroy- or the enemy who destroys you. Samson is remembered coz Delilah destroyed him. David is remembered for the Goliath he killed.

69.Your enemy can not abort your future- he is merely an announcement that your future is being birthed. When goliath roared his challenge, David was receiving his announcement that his shepherd days are over, and that his kingship was being born!

70.Your enemy is as necessary as your friend.(Think about that...) Your friend gives you comfort, your enemy gives you future.

71.Your enemy is your opportunity to highlight your difference from others. The brothers of David were angry, fearful and intimidated. Nobody would have discerned the difference in David…without Goliath. Your enemy is an opportunity to reveal what you believe.

72.When you discover your assignment, you will discover your enemy. Demonic warfare is a sign that the enemy has discovered the intentions God has for you. Demons are not omnipresent; they cannot be everywhere simultaneously. They receive geographical assignments. It took 21 days for Daniels reply to reach him (Daniel 10:12) Question: where do you assign a security guard? Fifty miles from a bank vault? Of course not! He is assigned where the treasure us located. So when you feel demonic pressure around you, get excited. Satan is anticipating a miracle package arriving your way. Warfare is an attempt to break your focus and abort the interest in the miracle.

73. It hasn't changed; Your enemy is STILL NOT all that...

74.The favorite entry point used by your enemy will usually be through someone you have chosen to trust. Your future depends on the weakness of the people you have chosen to trust. (Selah)Everybody trusts somebody- and that someone you are trusting usually trusts someone you would not think of trusting. Adam’s trust in Eve opened the door for the serpent. Samson trusted Delilah (And look at what that brought him- a new definition of the saying “love is blind...”) Your enemy will ALWAYS use someone you have chosen to trust.

75.The enemy you fail to destroy will eventually destroy you. The prophet Samuel instructed King Saul to annihilate the Amalekites. He refused and spared the best of the sheep, their women (they were real hotties, I presume, or that dude took a crazy risk for nothing) and their King Agag (watch who you call your brother- just because they are in the same class as you are does not mean you’r e tight- Reserve the term brother for those whom you are bound by covenant to) Let’s just say, there happened to be an Amalekite handy to finish off the suicide he had attempted, the very Amalekite he had the chance to destroy. (Moral of the story: when God sends you on a seek-and- destroy mission, please, take no captives…)

76.You will never outgrow your enemy; you simply have to learn to fight! Many people think that they will outgrow their desire to sin. Not gonna happen. The desire to sin will forever (within the scope of time) be available. You must simply learn how to fight back.

77.Struggle is the proof that you have not yet conquered by the enemy. You will be tired of fighting. Battle may weary you, but struggle is proof that your enemy has not won.

78.Your enemy must be destroyed, not understood. Conversation is often the door of annihilation. It happened in the Garden of Eden. Satan moved Eve to the negotiation table to prepare them for alienation. Moral of the story: Negotiate with friends, destroy your enemy.

79.Your enemy will not seek to understand you, but to discredit you. This especially applies to when you are dealing with the media. So do not comment unless they promise you in writing to publish exactly what you say and they hand you an unedited copy of the interview’s recordings-it may sound a bit too harsh…but hey, a good name is better: its your responsibility to guard it.

80.When God completes a season in your life, he will always harden the heart of an enemy toward you. Pharaoh’s heart was hardened towards the children of Israel. What you think is an enemy trying to stop you is God’s way of boot kicking you into the next season.

81.Your enemy causes good people to find you. Many times, ministers have become unnoticed and unrecognized. But during a season of attack, people who discerned the truth became aware of them and bonded with them. Bad times always bring good people together.

82.Your enemy causes unused and dormant gift to emerge. Adversity will expose hidden greatness within you. The brothers of David were totally blind to his difference from them.

83.Any uncontested enemy will flourish. Ignoring an enemy does not remove him. Hoping your enemy will leave does not remove him. You must contest your enemy. Resist the enemy and he will flee from you. (James 4;7)

84.Your enemy will often vary the weapons and strategy he uses against you. What he uses when you are a teenager will vary from when you are older.

85.The reaction of your enemy is proof of your progress. When your enemy is anxious he knows that his time is limited.

86.Any move you make in the right direction will be instantly addressed by the enemy.

87. He is still not all that.

88.Your enemy will ultimately reveal the greatness of God to you. Your hear may doubt, your mind may be confused, but in a crisis, God will expose his power and love toward you. An enemy gives him the opportunity to do so.

89.Your enemy may enter your life under the guise of friendship. An enemy who uses this avenue will come in quietly and begin to waken your life like termites to a wooden building.

90.An enemy will often ignore protocol and an established chain of authority. Rebellion is at the hear of an enemy. He despises the order of God. Aggressiveness, by the way, is not always proof of desire. Respect protocol where you find it…

91.Your enemy must be exposed. When there is a liar in your circle, expose them. You owe that to those under your protection. However, a word of caution: you are responsible for every person you destroy. You are also responsible for every person you permit to be destroyed.

92.Your enemy will attempt to involve you in unnecessary battles which promise little or no reward. Battles drain your energy. They break your focus and empty your resources.(Child of God, develop a battle assessment tool- a way of determining the cost and the benefit of each and every battle you would engage in so as to determine whether it is worth your while, Sometimes, it is better to sue for peace while preparing war. Always engage when you are absolutely sure you will win, and when the rewards will outweigh the cost, not just break even.)

93.Your enemy should be confronted in the timing of the Spirit with the right spiritual weaponry

94.An uncommon enemy can be defeated through uncommon endurance. Child of God learn how to stick it out in the long haul. Dig in, build and plant yourself there until your assignment is accomplished. God requires endurance. “And ye shall be hated by men for my names sake, but he that endures to the end shall be saved.” (Matt 10:22)

95.It is wise to avoid confrontation with your enemy when possible. Jesus did and advised us to do this. “But when they persecute you in this city, flee to another” (Mat 10;23) Fleeing does not demonstrate fear, but wisdom to sustain your life and ministry and retain your focus.

96.It is wise to make peace with your enemy when possible. “But I say to you, resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man sue thee at law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee ton go with him one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of thee, and from them that would borrow from thee turn not away (Mat 5:39)
Never use a tank to kill a mosquito.

Always remember, enemies are bridges, not barricades.

Recognition of the enemy God uses to promote you will prevent destruction and increase the protection of those you love.

(I know this has been a Methuselah (to mean long) type of blog. I pray you will be able to pick one or two things that will not only change your rules of engagement, but ensure more clear cut and glorious victories in your life.)

The LORD be with you….
