Hi People,
Hope you are well, as I am.
When God is doing something,one of my life's purpose is to be there and "write the vision, and make it plain on tablets..." I believe that God is doing something new in our land: He is begining ton restore the hearts of the Fathers to the sons and the hearts of the sons to the fathers...
So, last week I had the privilege of attending a men's mentorship forum in Nairobi, hosted by Godly Families.
I would do a great injustice to simply say that it was awesome, I just have to share wit you some of the bread, oil and wine we got.
The speaker, Rev Julian Kyula of the Purpose Center Church, and C.E.O, Mobile Decisioning Holdings Ltd, spoke to the hearts of the men who were present on the topic Rediscovering the Original Identity of Man.
Well,I share with you some of the action points of his message:
Enjoy and more so, learn and change:
Enemies of Destiny:
Here are certain enemies of destiny you must learn to stand up against and contend with:
1. Lack of hunger:
Men don’t seem to be hungry enough to find and seek destiny and to take what is ours. If we did we would own banks, we would have bigger stores, and what you are seeing in Turkana would not be happening—nobody would be going hungry.
Your assignment is sure. I speak to the men. Women cannot start it. It is out of order for you to leave your house without blessing your family. Speak into the future of your children, claim their universities, and claim their empires even as they are young. Today, every man will lay hands on his wife, to bless her, to decree and declare goodness. Some of the madness that is happening in many homes is because men aren’t fulfilling this role.
There is a lack of hunger for the family to stand. You should be decreeing that the curse of divorce is broken in your family. You will get what you say. Do not think that it will happen if you don’t decree, the atmosphere is waiting for you to speak.
If you are hungry enough God is able to help you.
2. Unwillingness to Sacrifice:
For the sake of illustration, let the two of you come forward. Now, person A and B are both in the worship team. Person A, to say the truth, is an artist seeking a platform; he is wondering why God is not giving him the exposure he thinks he deserves so that he can flourish. Person B just loves God, yes he is also on the platform, but he is a true worshiper. Person A’s purpose maybe is to be the president; person B maybe is to heal the land. Because of motive, person A maybe hindered from fulfilling his destiny while person B is free to do so.
Motive is critical. Always ask yourself, “Why am I doing what I am doing?Ananias and Saphira’s motive was wrong. They wanted something for nothing. Yes, they sacrificed, but not with the right motive.
Prov 11: 24:There is one that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is one that withholdeth more than is meet, yet he tendeth to poverty.
As men, we need to be givers. We need to be givers in Africa. Sacrifice for your destiny.
3. Lack of Confidence:
Ask the LORD to grant you confidence. Practice confidence beginning with the throne of God. The word of God declares that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. The word of God instructs us to boldly approach the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. As you walk in confidence with God, while you are yet speaking, god will deliver it to you. Don’t be one without confidence.
One of the characters of purpose is resilience. Learn how to get back up no matter how hard you had been hit.
Confidence will get you where education and eloquence can’t.
God doesn’t want you to look at yesterday, forget the former things nor consider the things of old, behold I am doing a new thing.
Grace is found and mercy is received. Learn how to find grace and receive mercy when you approach the Throne of God.
Men, don’t burn bridges. Be the one to apologize when things go wrong, even if it is not your fault. Some of you will have to leave here and go apologize. You do not know whether the LORD would use that person as your help in the future.
There are four things that cannot be shaken:
the Kingdom of God,
the Foundation of God,
the Word of God and
the hope of the believer.
Walk in these and you will not be shaken.
Learn how to come before the Throne of God with your eyes open, with confidence.
As you speak to people, have confidence. Learn how to be one of those people who do not tell everyone all their problems and life history at a go as if they are the ones who will assist you. Learn how to handle displeasure with the understanding that grater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Jesus also, at one time, reached a place where he wanted to give up but for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross. Consider the joy that is set before you: your wife, and your assignment... Consider the provision that he will give at the place of your assignment. Always aks yourself: "Am I the right candidate?" A whole generation awaits this answer. The cure for AIDS is in this generation, it is in your hands. Stop thinking local, of only Kenya.
I have this confidence that it is time for Africa!
The time is now. He did not call you for the middle of the mountain, you were called to the top of the mountain, they are meant to look up to you.
As men and Africa, you are no longer to ask for aid. We have discovered our identity. Remember with me for a moment, the first medicine was found in Africa. A man called Imhotep, the Greek made him a deity and called him Imhotepious designed over 200 cures on papyrus: how to bleed the head, and the back to reduce pressure, how to keep and preserve seed in the ground… This same man is Joseph. The mystery is that they cannot find his bones, because of the instruction he left that his bones should not be left in Egypt. Africa, the cornerstone that was rejected is about to become the head of the corner. This is the LORD’s doing, it is marvelous in our eyes. It’s time for us to decree that we are not ashamed, for God’s favour is on us.
4. Struggling with personal Issues:
Men are sruggling with emotional issues. Wacha niwaambie: hakuna mwanaume hana shida, wacha kufikiria ni wewe pekee yako. God is seeking men, umegongwa lakini bado umesimama, umeumia lakini bado umeshikilia.
Pray: God give me the ability to get back up.
We all have issues. And don’t excuse yourself that it was because of the way you were brought up—we were all brought up!
Moses tried to give excuses; one after the other God sorted him. God was not angry at any other excuse but that he stammered. He told him that he was the one that had made the tongue, he made the deaf and dumb, so what can't he do? God is tired of your personal excuse. He wants you to walk at the “I AM” level: the level where no matter your pesonal weakness, you will accomplish your purpose in your generation. David had more issues than Saul but he still had the ability to go to God and say, “send me”
5. Too much time on trivial Issues:
You are spending too much time on trivial issues. Watu wakikosana, wewe ndiye star. Stop being in every argument, every committee…bado watu wataoana, its not a must you be in every committee.
You need time to pen down the things God is speaking to you. Spend time before the Throne of Grace. Receive mercy for the past; gather grace for the present and the future.
Don’t burn relationships. Don’t burn bridges. However, there are some relationships that you have to break.
Nehemiah had no time for trivia. When they called him to the plains to discuss, he said that he could not go down to them, they had to come up to him.
6. Lack of Creativity:
Joseph found himself at the place of one responsible for agriculture, real estate, strategic grain reserves... He was the Prime minister over the land of Egypt with no one greater in the land than the Pharaoh himself.
Creativity: We always seek for God to open the windows of heaven, but don’t you know that it is only thieves who pass through the window? So, what you expect when he opens the windows of heaven is illumination. Illumination speaks about ideas. Remember that God is perfect; he does not only send rain on the just but also the unjust. But when the believer who received the illumination first fails to bear fruit, the LORD’s word must be accomplished, so the unbeliever receives it and bears fruit. It is small wonder that there are so many believers who are crying that their ideas have been stolen.
The bridge you need between illumination and producing it is implementation power. Receive it. I pray that every man here to receive the idea that will sort out your family for generations.
You operate under the priesthood of Melchisedek, a priest who lives forever. God wants to build something that is beyond you. Apprentice your children and teach them how to create wealth.Convey purpose and skill across the generations, not just the business. Show them that it can be done, no matter the times. Many of us give our children pocket money, telling them that times are hard .The child already has the consumer mentality and grows up in it, and you expect him to change into the producer mentality like the other child when he grows up?
May men feed their children with the right ideas and the right appetites. This comes by right conversation. May you have an inheritance transfer to your children. May increase be found in you and in your children.
In Gen 14, we find Abraham tithing to Melchisedek and he received a multi-generational blessing. Now there are things that a prophet does that provokes you to action. Melchisedek spoke such a blessing yet Abraham had no son. God heightened his desire for one.
Hebrews 10 Speaks of Christ, whose body we are, that he is a Priest forever, after the order of Melkisedek. Psalms 110 speaks of the same. The thing that we start as men in Christ, we must have the confidence that it shall last forever. I purpose "I will be tithing 40% from the Company. I will make God a partner". JC Penny tried it, began with 10%, then 20% then 30, 40… By the time he was done, he was living well on only 5%. That is why I don’t take a salary from the house of God. And this talk of “Before tax or after tax?” Wacheni upuzi! You owe God. Don’t play with tithe. If you do, the devourer ataweka mashimo kwa mfuko ya mke wako, anamaliza 10 k in one day bila any tangible evidence . Stop playing with this principal thing.
I speak no more lack of ideas. I speak technological and medical breakthroughs. Men, you are about to arise! Arise!
Hope does not ashamed. I have confidence that your home will never lack. There is a fresh flow of ideas to walk in stride and in confidence. You are providers. I have been in a place where I could not provide, when I was packed out of my home and was going to a place called nowhere, but unlike Abraham, I had not been sent there by God.
God is restoring the priesthood in Africa.
James 1:3
The trying of your faith produces patience. Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
It is patience that separates men from the boys.
Motive is critical. Don’t struggle for things. When motives are right, unity is perfected.
“Let him ask in faith.” Believe God for an idea, even if it is to grow potatoes that will generate wealth.
“Nothing wavering” I release new ideas. You will receive the idea that will transform your life.
Rom 5:3
“Not only so, but we glory in tribulation.”
From today, the vocabulary of kungangana, kusukuma, kuhustle imeisha. You get what you say. Begin saying, “ I am great, the LORD is coming through for me and my family.”
Change your vocabulary. Speak to your future. Son of God, speak. When you speak, your future is what you say. There are people who will drag down your faith: decide whether you will stay with then or with God.
“Patience works experience, experience works character.”Character: Men, stop having affairs, cheating on your body and your purity. Let last night be the last time you would be found in the wrong place. I cancel the spirit of infirmity that makes you have to look for many women.
“Hope maketh not ashamed.”
If you have hope in God, you will not be ashamed. Begin decreeing that you are a messenger of hope. "My days of failure are over, the days of lack, scandal, timidity, failure, inability, aimlessness, mediocrity. Father, I thank you that I have found my identity and heritage. My days of shame are over. God is restoring the priesthood that is after the order of Melchisedek."
Countries change when men get on their knees, countries change, and continents change, times change.
7. Living in Yesterday:
God has something better for you, today, tomorrow and in the future. Stop paying to much attention on the glory of yesterday. Saul couldn’t get off that. God wants to move in your today.
Isaiah 43:18
Forget the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing. Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it. I make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
Rain in your wilderness and in your business.
You must earn the right to be heard. Before you speak on any matter, ask yourself do you have the right to do so? You cannot take people a place where you have never been. We are breaking through in the market place.
I release the simplicity of the Kingdom upon you. You will do multibillion dollar business.
You who were dismissed, it’s gonna happen for you.
8. Lack of Focus:
Keep the main thing the main thing. There is no other ‘main thing’ except Jesus.
You will work with investors who know much more than you know, with greater experience.
God will give you grace to function at your place of assignment, no matter what your qualification is. Just keep your focus.
9. Fear of Failure:
God wants to give you confidence, to start and start again.
Heb. 12 talks about how we ought to lay aside sin and every weight and sin which so easily entangles and run with perseverance the race that is set before us LOOKING UNTO JESUS. He should be your focus at all times.
Even in the bedroom, begin communing with God, ask him for the anointing. Ask God for the ability to seal the deal. Yes, even that which will enable you to speak to women so that you are not always tongue tied when you meet one whom you love and yet can’t speak to win her.
When he gives you such ability, don’t just go. Always sit back and listen to him. LOOKING UNTO JESUS, not another man. In Christ you have your connection and your identity.
The next biggest idea is in Christ, in whom are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge, waiting for you to discover it.
10. Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Exhaustion:
Until a man is nothing, God cannot make a thing out of him.
When you look for a job or are getting into a marriage, don’t think about what you are getting, think about what you are becoming.
Men have gotten tired, they have stopped praying until it breaks. They are just doing first heaven prayer: prayer for praying’s sake. I pray that you pray prayers that go beyond the 1st heaven, penetrate the 2nd heaven where principalities are and go to the 3rd heaven, where the Throne of God is. Amen.
Interference mode is over. Let men arise; find their purpose and confidence back. Open your mouth and speak.
Go write that business plan. Making of business plans is one of the best disciplines one can develop: it makes you think about your goals, your ownership, makes you think like an employer.
Tonight, decree that you want to make a transfer. Speak and say LORD I have an identity crisis but I want to rediscover it and benefit my family.
Decree that your name is about to become a brand. In fact, append your signature on your notebook. Understand that your signature came with thought. It represents everything you are. I decree that from tonight, this scripture has value in the mighty name of Jesus.
Final Word:
I believe God that for a male revolution in this land.
(And I say the "Amen" to that one!)
That you for sharing this word. I bless God for you. You're blessed.
ReplyDeleteGreat word of hope. Bless you
ReplyDeleteWonderful message be bles